It's time for bed, what should be a time where you settle down together and read stories before tucking the little ones in for the night. Once the little ones reach their toddler years though and their imaginations run away with themselves it can be a scary time where they don't want to be left alone in the dark. These are some ideas that may help them feel safe and secure in their rooms x
Have fairy lights on in their room
Use glow in the dark star stickers on their ceiling
Talk to them before bed time and ask them to discuss any worries, use a worry jar or worry doll under their pillow
Give them a torch, it may not get used but could support them to feel safer knowing they can put it on when needed. They could choose their own and pick one with their favourite character on or favourite colour.
Have a CD player on with soothing music or stories being told.
Have an empty water sprayer with a label on e.g. 'monster spray' to spray the room and ward off baddies
Give them a pet goldfish in their room so they are not alone
What do you do to settle the little ones at night?x
Thank you Adventures of a Mum and My Model Mummy for your photos x
These are great tips. I think my children are a bit young for a goldfish, but this might come in handy when they are older
Some great suggestions here, I’m soon to get the nursery ready for my first baby so will bare some of these in mind!
My daughter had a friend a stuffed ostrich that slept on her pillow , this way she thought she was not alone. Also used to have one of those plug in night lights.
We have fairy lights and night lights that glow. I am sure they would love a fish but not sure I’d trust one in their bedroom
Thanks for sharing the ideas and they are very helpful. Being mother of two kids I can well understand. Will sure try them.
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